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By John Broetje | Mattresses, Sleep, Wellness | Oct 29, 2012
1. Innerspring Coil – Most common and usually the least expensive but has the most motion transfer and pressure points causing tossing. This interrupts our sleep cycle. Queen sets range from $299 to $699. 2. Pocket Coil – Becoming more common as they are generally more comfortable than innerspring with less motion transfer and pressure…
By John Broetje | Uncategorized | May 7, 2012
Most people automatically think that the mattress is the most important product for getting a good night’s sleep. While it is true that sleeping on a great mattress with proper support will help you sleep better it is not the only necessary product needed for getting a great night’s sleep. The other important products are…
By John Broetje | Uncategorized | Mar 24, 2012
Stages of sleep Every 60-100 minutes we go through a cycle of four stages of sleep Stage 1 is a drowsy, relaxed state between being awake and sleeping – breathing slows, muscles relax, heart rate drops Stage 2 is slightly deeper sleep – you may feel awake and this means that, on many nights, you…
By John Broetje | Uncategorized | Oct 24, 2011
Unlike most consumer products, a mattress doesn’t just stop working. Instead it slowly breaks down offering less support and comfort over time. When a car, dishwasher, television, or even a computer stop it is our signal to get new ones. However, knowing when it’s time to replace your mattress is not so determinable. Like an…
By John Broetje | Uncategorized | Dec 31, 2010
Being the last post of 2010 the team at Mattress Depot USA wishes everyone a Happy New Year! How is this for a New Years resolution? Deep restful R.E.M. sleep every night in 2011 to improve your health and well-being. Visit one of our stores and see for yourself how amazing and life changing the…
By John Broetje | Uncategorized | Dec 26, 2010
Hopefully, everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. This is a high stress time of year for everyone and it is more important than ever to get a great night sleep. Remember it is not the amount of time you spend asleep but the quality of the R.E.M (deepness of sleep) that is so important. …
By John Broetje | Uncategorized | Oct 30, 2010
David Smith is President and Founder of Mattress Depot USA. After spending 15 years working for Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and Wells Fargo Bank, David became involved with the mattress industry in 1998 after investing in a retail mattress store concept in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2003 after being discontent with the local…
By kayla | Blog, Wellness | Dec 20, 0222
Is your current mattress supporting your dreams or letting you fall flat? Teens have different needs than seniors when it comes to mattress size and type. Pregnant women have their unique mattress requirements, as do kids. The key to better sleep throughout your whole life is to understand that your mattress needs to change with…
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