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By John Broetje | Uncategorized | Oct 24, 2011
Unlike most consumer products, a mattress doesn’t just stop working. Instead it slowly breaks down offering less support and comfort over time. When a car, dishwasher, television, or even a computer stop it is our signal to get new ones. However, knowing when it’s time to replace your mattress is not so determinable. Like an old pair of running shoes a mattress can still feel comfortable long after it has lost its ability to provide the proper body support.
Below are some guideline from the industry’s own Better Sleep Council to determine when it is time to replace your mattress….
Your mattress is more than 5-7 years old. After 5-7 years of nightly use, a mattress and foundation are providing less comfort and support than they did when they were new. Also, airborne dust, skin cells, and bacteria have doubled the weight of your mattress. Ugh.
You wake up in the morning with stiffness, numbness, aches, and pains.
You had a better night sleep somewhere other than your own bed (such as a hotel).
You mattress shows visible signs of overuse such as sags, lumps, and interior coils showing.
Any one of these signs are reason enough to replace your mattress and start living a healthier happy life.
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