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By John Broetje | Beds 101 | Jul 17, 2015
The zesty scent of lemon What if a simple sniff could wake you up and energize you for hours? Ditch the coffee because we’re talking about lemon with its zesty, fresh citrus smell – it might be the perfect “good morning” drink. It’s often used in massage oils, perfumes and soaps due to its energizing…
By John Broetje | Beds 101 | Jun 12, 2015
Calm and relaxing rose oil aromatherapy for a healthier you Bright eyes, glowing skin and a healthy heart are just a few rewards of a healthy lifestyle. But what if you could boost your health – and get better night’s sleep – with the help of a flower, a rose? Maybe it’s time to slow…
By John Broetje | Beds 101 | Jun 5, 2015
Sweet Evening Treat to Help You Sleep If you’re like us, you probably enjoy a little sweet treat before bed. What if your dessert could help you fall asleep and stay asleep? Double the sweet! Could it be true? Get ready to get excited because yes, it is true. What you eat before bed can…
By John Broetje | Beds 101 | May 15, 2015
Healthy snacking options to put a little spring in your step It’s true what they say – you are what you eat. And that couldn’t be any truer than when you reach for the mid-afternoon snacks. While chips and candy bars may be the most accessible – thanks to the office vending machine –…
By John Broetje | Beds 101, Blog | Oct 18, 2013
“I’m an experienced pro in retail mattress sales, but the one area I would like to improve is how to gently take parents looking at the cheapest mattress they can find and reorient them toward the importance of the quality of their child’s sleep.” If you have found yourself in this dilemma time in time…