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By John Broetje | Blog | Oct 5, 2015
I remember growing up and staying out late running around the neighborhood trick or treating. The goal was always to try and hit every house we could. I would bring my pillowcase and dreamed of filling it to the top. I trick or treated with my friends until I was in high school and some of the neighbors would give us comments like, “aren’t you a little big to be trick or treating?” Well we didn’t care.
Flash forward 15 years, and the number of cute trick or treaters in some neighborhoods is dwindling fast. Many people like to take their kids to some place warm and safe, who can blame them when sometimes it’s raining on halloween and not to mention how cold it gets at night in a thin halloween costume. I did the whole “mall thing” when I was little and I remember my parents hating it. Not only were their hordes of people but the mall stores only gave out the cheap candy like tootsie rolls and dum- dums.
However, some of these awesome trick or treating neighborhoods do still exist in the area, but in case you are still looking for something fun and different to do. Here is a list of the top 2015 trick or treating spots in the great seattle area.
What are your plans for halloween this year? Are you going to take the kids trick or treating? Maybe you have a favorite spot not on our list? Share with us!
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