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By John Broetje | Blog | Mar 28, 2017
Sleep loss is a widespread problem, and military veterans are particularly susceptible. Vets are four times as likely to have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In addition, those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or a traumatic brain injury have a higher incidence of OSA, meaning that psychiatric and sleep disorders are often linked. Research-based sleep techniques are being developed for those with PTSD, so it’s important to seek specialized help.
Warning signs of sleep trouble: Sleep troubles can look different depending on the person, but it’s important to seek help if you have warning signs such as,
How to get better sleep. You don’t have to live with sub-par sleep, and in fact letting a sleep disorder go untreated can be dangerous to your health or the safety of those around you. If you suspect a sleep problem, talk to your doctor and also learn more about sleep hygiene.
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