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By John Broetje | Blog | Aug 21, 2015
We all have days when it takes a little extra boost to make it through to quitting time. While vending machine energy drinks are quick and convenient, they don’t do much for your health or your waistline. They may jolt you enough to power through your afternoon meetings but then you eventually crash from the sugar withdrawal. And if you think they’re unhealthy for you, what energy drinks do to kids is even scarier. None of this is good news.Why not try a natural energy boost? Mother nature offers a ton of healthy, natural energy advocates – in yummy flavors. Ginger, honey, citrus fruits, green tea and mint are all naturally energizing. Bonus: they help with your metabolism too!
We’ve done the research for you and found 5 natural energy drink recipes. You can make these in the morning before you head out the door and have them on hand for when that 2 p.m. afternoon slump hits.
Showtime Cut off two thin slices of ginger and place in your cup or mug. Use a garlic press to juice the remaining ginger into your mug. Add both spices and fill your mug with hot water and stir. Recipe via
Showtime Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Recipe via
Showtime Combine cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice. If that’s too strong, add 4 ounces of water. Chase with more water if needed. Recipe via
Showtime Combine green tea, cherry juice, coconut water, seltzer, agave and lemon juice in a large glass or container. Stir well or shake and serve over ice; garnish with lemon slices. Recipe via
Showtime Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Recipe via
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