dream meaning

Common Dreams Part 1: “I’m Naked!”

Dreams are an enigma that has captivated human beings for centuries. Some dreams are pleasant, while others leave us perplexed and troubled. Among the unsettling dreams, one of the most common is the one where we find ourselves naked in public. In this mini-series, we will explore common dreams such as this one, and try…

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Common Dreams Part 2: My Teeth Are Falling Out!

Everyone was looking at me funny…oh gosh not again, I go to the mirror and to my horror I realize my teeth were missing! Thankfully I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Welcome to the second part of our Common Dreams mini-series! Last week, we discussed the common dream of being naked….

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Welcome to the fourth part of our Common Dreams mini-series, where we explore the meaning behind our dreams. This time, we will delve into flying dreams. Flying dreams are considered to be part of the lucid dream category, where dreamers are aware that they are dreaming. Many people describe the feeling of flying in their…

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What are Dreams? A Dream Mini-Series: Part 1

Dreams are mysterious and fascinating things. They can be filled with symbols that evoke feelings and ideas, and sometimes these symbols can be difficult to understand. However, by learning how to interpret your dreams, you can gain valuable insight into your innermost thoughts and feelings. When analyzing your dreams, it’s important to remember that you…

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What are Recurring Dreams? A Dream Mini-Series: Part 2

Have you ever had a dream that keeps coming back, no matter how hard you try to forget it? These are called recurring dreams and they can be quite unsettling. They often contain messages that are trying to teach us something about ourselves, but it can be hard to understand what they mean. Recurring dreams…

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Types of Dreams. A Dream Mini-Series: Part 3

Dreams have always been a fascinating topic for many people. They are a window into our subconscious and can reveal a lot about our innermost thoughts and emotions. Whether you remember your dreams or not, you dream every night. Dreams can be strange and surreal, but they can also be incredibly meaningful. They can be…

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Common Dreams Part 6: “I’m falling”

Is it true that if you have a falling dream and don’t wake up before you hit the ground you will die? Find out below in this week’s blog post – the last installment to our common dream analysis! “I’m Falling” Falling dreams are another theme that is quite common in the world of dreams….

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